from ld25.pgfw.Setup import Setup

if __name__ == "__main__":
from ld25.pgfw.Configuration import TypeDeclarations
from ld25.pgfw.Game import Game

class LD25(Game):

    def __init__(self):
        Game.__init__(self, type_declarations=Types())

    def set_children(self):

    def update(self):
        self.get_screen().fill((0, 0, 255));

class Types(TypeDeclarations):

    additional_defaults = {};
from time import time

from pygame import event, joystick as joy, key as keyboard
from pygame.locals import *

from GameChild import *

class Input(GameChild):

    def __init__(self, game):
        GameChild.__init__(self, game)
        self.last_mouse_down_left = None
        self.joystick = Joystick()

    def subscribe_to_events(self):
        self.subscribe_to(KEYDOWN, self.translate_key_press)
        self.subscribe_to(JOYBUTTONDOWN, self.translate_joy_button)
        self.subscribe_to(JOYAXISMOTION, self.translate_axis_motion)
        self.subscribe_to(MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, self.translate_mouse_input)
        self.subscribe_to(MOUSEBUTTONUP, self.translate_mouse_input)

    def suppress(self):
        self.suppressed = True

    def unsuppress(self):
        self.suppressed = False

    def build_key_map(self):
        key_map = {}
        for command, keys in self.get_configuration().items("keys"):
            key_map[command] = []
            if type(keys) == str:
                keys = [keys]
            for key in keys:
        self.key_map = key_map

    def translate_key_press(self, evt):
        self.print_debug("You pressed {0}, suppressed => {1}".\
                         format(evt.key, self.suppressed))
        if not self.suppressed:
            key = evt.key
            for cmd, keys in self.key_map.iteritems():
                if key in keys:

    def post_command(self, cmd, **kwargs):
        config = self.get_configuration().get_section("event")
        eid = self.get_custom_event_id()
        self.print_debug("Posting {0} command with id {1}".format(cmd, eid))
        name = config["command-event-name"], name=name, command=cmd, **kwargs))

    def translate_joy_button(self, evt):
        if not self.suppressed:
            button = evt.button
            config = self.get_configuration().get_section("joy")
            if button == config["advance"]:
            if button == config["pause"]:

    def translate_axis_motion(self, evt):
        if not self.suppressed:
            axis = evt.axis
            value = evt.value
            if axis == 1:
                if value < 0:
                elif value > 0:
                if value > 0:
                elif value < 0:

    def is_command_active(self, command):
        if not self.suppressed:
            joystick = self.joystick
            if self.is_key_pressed(command):
                return True
            if command == "up":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.up)
            elif command == "right":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.right)
            elif command == "down":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.down)
            elif command == "left":
                return joystick.is_direction_pressed(Joystick.left)

    def is_key_pressed(self, command):
        poll = keyboard.get_pressed()
        for key in self.key_map[command]:
            if poll[key]:
                return True

    def translate_mouse_input(self, evt):
        button = evt.button
        pos = evt.pos
        post = self.post_command
        if evt.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if button == 1:
                last = self.last_mouse_down_left
                if last:
                    limit = self.get_configuration("mouse",
                    if time() - last < limit:
                        post("mouse-double-click-left", pos=pos)
                last = time()
                self.last_mouse_down_left = last
                post("mouse-down-left", pos=pos)
            elif button == 2:
                post("mouse-down-middle", pos=pos)
            elif button == 3:
                post("mouse-down-right", pos=pos)
            elif button == 4:
                post("mouse-scroll-up", pos=pos)
            elif button == 5:
                post("mouse-scroll-down", pos=pos)
        elif evt.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
            if button == 1:
                post("mouse-up-left", pos=pos)
            elif button == 2:
                post("mouse-up-middle", pos=pos)
            elif button == 3:
                post("mouse-up-right", pos=pos)

    def get_axes(self):
        axes = {}
        for direction in "up", "right", "down", "left":
            axes[direction] = self.is_command_active(direction)
        return axes

class Joystick:

    (up, right, down, left) = range(4)

    def __init__(self):
        js = None
        if joy.get_count() > 0:
            js = joy.Joystick(0)
        self.js = js

    def is_direction_pressed(self, direction):
        js = self.js
        if not js or direction > 4:
            return False
        if direction == 0:
            return js.get_axis(1) < 0
        elif direction == 1:
            return js.get_axis(0) > 0
        elif direction == 2:
            return js.get_axis(1) > 0
        elif direction == 3:
            return js.get_axis(0) < 0
from pygame import font

from GameChild import *

class Font(font.Font, GameChild):

    def __init__(self, parent, size):
        GameChild.__init__(self, parent)
        font.Font.__init__(self, self.get_resource("font-path"), size)
July 18, 2022

A new era ‼

Our infrastructure has recently upgraded ‼

Nugget Communications Bureau 👍

You've never emailed like this before ‼


Webmail software for reading and sending email from and addresses.


Email discussion lists, modernized with likes and emojis. It can be used for announcements and newsletters in addition to discussions. See lists for Picture Processing or Scrapeboard. Nowadays, people use Discord, but you really don't have to!


With this hidden in plain sight, old technology, even regular people like you and me can start our own newspaper or social media feed.

Nugget Streaming Media 👍

The content you crave ‼


A live streaming, video format based on M3U playlists that can be played with HTML5.


A plugin for Nginx can receive streaming video from ffmpeg or OBS and forward it as an RTMP stream to sites like Youtube and Twitch or directly to VLC.

Professional ‼

Nugget Productivity Suite 👍

Unleash your potential ‼


Virtual index cards you can use to gamify your daily grind.


Grab whatever game code you want, share your edits, and report bugs.

Nugget Security 👍

The real Turing test ‼


Banning is even more fun when it's automated.


The documentation explains, "an email which mentions rolex watches, Viagra, porn, and debt all in one" will probably be considered spam.


Display HTTP requests in real time, so you can watch bots try to break into WordPress.

Nugget Entertainment Software 👍

The best in gaming entertainment ‼

Emoticon vs. Rainbow

With everything upgraded to the bleeding edge, this HTML4 game is running better than ever.

Zoom ‼

The game engine I've been working on, SPACE BOX, is now able to export to web, so I'm planning on turning into a games portal by releasing my games on it and adding an accounts system. The upgraded server and software will make it easier to create and maintain. I'm also thinking of using advertising and subscriptions to support the portal, so some of these services, like webmail or the RSS reader, may be offered to accounts that upgrade to a paid subscription.